The Diocesan Well

Resources to worship, learn
and pray together
Welcome to the Diocesan Well
The Diocesan Well is an online collaboration of the Diocese of Central PA designed to support smaller congregations through the offering of excellent liturgies, formational content and contemplative spirituality programs of The Urban Well at Saint James in Lancaster, PA.
The Urban Well and Saint James' clergy and staff team are available to connect directly with parishes through a lead contact to design which resources will best support the spiritual life of the small congregations in our diocese. A select group of parishes have been invited to participate in this pilot program beginning in Advent 2024.
I am excited about strengthening both in-person and online spiritual growth and learning opportunities for individuals and congregations that knit together some of our smallest and largest parishes in a truly catholic and unifying spirit.
For further information or to register the lead contact person for your parish with The Diocesan Well, please contact Father David Peck through office@saintjameslancaster.org or by phone 717-397-4858.
Bishop Audrey Scanlan
The Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania
101 Pine Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
(717) 236-5959 | (717) 236-6448
The Urban Well & Saint James Episcopal Church
119 North Duke Street, Lancaster, PA 17603
(717) 397-4858