Worship-Related Service Opportunities
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares everything necessary for worship in the chancel/altar area, supporting the worship and sacramental life of the church. This dedicated group of men and women insure that all services, including Sundays, special feast days, wedding, funerals, etc., run smoothly.
Eucharistic Minister
Eucharistic Ministers’ role is primarily to bear the chalice at the distribution of the Eucharist on Sundays and at other liturgies such as weddings and funerals. This a sacred and deeply meaningful role within our sacramental life.
Lectors and Intercessors
A principle way that the laity are involved in worship leadership is by either reading one of the lessons from scripture, or leading the prayers of the people. The texts and instruction are provided before each service.
Another way of serving at worship, especially but not exclusively for younger people, is as an acolyte. These servers light candles, carry the processional cross, torches and Gospel book, and are available for other tasks as needed.
In our Episcopal tradition, a key component to our worship life are our Vergers. The Vergers insure the coordination of the entire liturgy (like a Master of Ceremonies). Often those who have already served in other roles like Eucharistic Ministers will choose to take on the additional responsibility and privilege of serving as Vergers.
Eucharistic Visitors
When our service on Sunday is ended, a dedicated group of people will often take communion to those who are homebound and cannot be with us physically. This is a deeply important and meaningful way of serving, helping us to remain connected to these infirm members.
Jesus said, “I was a stranger, and you welcomed me”. Our dedicated team of ushers are most often the very first person a visitor or regular member encounters when arriving for worship. Our ushers greet and welcome worshippers, hand out bulletins, answer questions and give guidance to the campus (especially to visitors).
Quality music has been a signature element of life at Saint James for many years. Talented singers and instrumentalists provide support to our worship life, Sundays especially but at other times as well such as First Friday Compline, funeral services, etc. You do not need to be a professional musician to participate in this joyful part of our life together.
A/V/Tech Assistants
A critical component of worship at Saint James today is technology. A committed and talented crew of individuals does everything from running the lights and sound within the sanctuary, to the live streaming of our liturgies that reaches worshippers around the country and the world. While primarily focused on Sundays, our Tech Team also provides service at weddings and funerals and other special services.
Hospitality Hosts
On many Sundays, worship is followed by a time of casual fellowship over simple refreshments, either in the cloister/narthex area, or weather-permitting, in the fountain courtyard. Those who serve in this capacity prepare and serve the refreshments, and provide a gracious welcome to all who are present. There is also opportunity to help in setting up refreshments in the Parish Hall for those attending the Adult Forum.
Children’s Chapel
Do you have an interest in and gift for working with young children? Each Sunday at the late Mass, our youngest members have their own unique experience in the chapel, under the guidance of caring leaders.
Wedding Coordinators
Much like our Vergers on a Sunday morning, our Wedding Coordinators play a key role in assisting couples and the priest in making sure that everything goes well – from the wedding party’s arrival ahead of time to the close of the service.
Nursery Care
Nursery service is made available to parents of infants so that they may have a more meaningful worship experience. If you love infants and small children and have an hour to give on a Sunday morning, this opportunity is for you!
Security Volunteer
While Saint James is blessed with excellent staff, there is occasional need for these individuals who come early on a Sunday or during other services and/or events, open the campus us, monitor the campus during Sunday mornings, and assist in closing/locking the campus when events are over.