Sunday Morning Forums
In the parish house forum room and via Zoom
Available in person and via Zoom.
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February 2 - June 22, 2025:
Jesus and Israel
This coming winter and spring, we will be studying the relationship of Jesus to Israel and the Jews by means of three overarching questions.
First, what is Jesus's relationship to the history of God's relationship with Israel, as narrated in Scripture?
To explore this question, we will look at the covenants God made with Abraham, Moses, and David and the centrality of the Mosaic covenant in the period after the Babylonian exile to the time of Pontius Pilate. How does Jesus appear to us when placed in this context?
Second, what was the relationship between the followers of Jesus and the Israelites after the death and resurrection of Jesus?
To examine this question, we will look at what Christian theologians throughout the ages have said about the exile of the Jews from Jerusalem as their just punishment for their rejection of Jesus. Has God rejected the people of Israel?
Finally, does the post-Holocaust period offer new opportunities for Jewish-Christian relations?
To explore this question, we will look at the official statements of the Roman Catholic, Episcopal, and Lutheran Churches repudiating the anti-Judaism handed down throughout the Christian tradition and the official response of Reform and Orthodox Rabbis to these initiatives at reconciliation.
Please join us as we take the long and illuminating journey from Abraham to Jewish-Christian relations today!
October 6 - December 15, 2024
The Saving Grace of God
With Theologian in Residence, Prof. Randall Zachman and
a team of facilitators.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God— not the result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8) We celebrate this insight with beloved hymns like Amazing Grace and with our prayer of confession every Sunday that ends in the assurance of the grace and mercy of God.
But what does it mean to be saved by grace, and how does grace appear in our lives? What is the nature of our sin from which grace frees us, and what is the relationship between God's grace and our works of obedience? Join us this fall as we explore the mystery of God's grace and how it transforms our lives.
May 5 - June, 30 2024
The Holy Trinity
With Theologian in Residence, Prof. Randall Zachman and
a team of facilitators.
March 3 - April, 28 2024
The Sacrament of Holy Communion
With Theologian in Residence, Prof. Randall Zachman and a team of facilitators.
In the service of Holy Communion in the Book of Common Prayer, we offer to God, as though in a sacrifice, the gifts of creation of bread and wine, and we pray that by the Holy Spirit this bread and wine may be for us the Body and Blood of our Savior Jesus Christ. How are we to understand the Eucharist as an offering made to God? And how are we to understand the relationship between the bread and wine and the body and blood of Jesus Christ? Join us in Forum as we explore the ways these questions were answered by major figures in the Christian tradition, so that we might have a more informed participation in Holy Communion.
2023 Fall - June 4
Lord, teach us to pray
Theologian in Residence, Prof. Randall Zachman will explore this question. We will look at the understanding of the meaning and practice of prayer from the early church to the modern era, by examining selections on prayer from various theologians such as Origen, Gregory of Nyssa, and the desert Mothers, as well as Meister Eckhart, Julian of Norwich, and Teresa of Avila, in order to inform our own understanding and practice of prayer.
Fall 2021 - Spring 2022
Knowing the Unknowable God
With Theologian in Residence, Prof. Randall Zachman and
a team of facilitators under Mother Shayna.
2021 Weekday Lenten Forum Series
Facilitated by Tim Mackey, all are invited into a time of reflection, imagination and connection to the times of old through the literature of John Watson's Companions of the Sorrowful Way.
Watson explores the story of biblical characters and how they walked the "sorrowful way" with Jesus Christ. The book highlights that Jesus meets us at every stage of our lives. From kingdoms to farmlands, from the rich to the poor and marginalized, Christ walks with us.
2021 Winter Forum Series
A Journey with Mark
A Journey with Mark explores the Gospel of Mark with fifty days of scripture, meditations, and prayers written by dynamic spiritual leaders from across the United States and around the world. Sponsored by The Good Book Club. Purchase the book by clicking here. or click here to view the daily readings on The Good Book website.
2020 Summer Forum Series
Bible Women, All their words and why they matter
Women of the Bible have been trapped in dry and dusty literary caskets for centuries. While a few women, such as Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Mary Magdalene, are familiar, many of the women who speak in the Bible have long been ignored. Yet their words are part of God's Word—the Bible—for a reason. Through these women, God spoke, intervened, changed, illustrated, and proclaimed the story of redemption. What were the broad themes among those who spoke? What might their words mean for us today? How might their actions increase our faith?
2019 Summer Forum Series
In this series, Fr. Ron Jaynes took us on a refreshing walk through The Book of Common Prayer. As an added tool, he used the newly published and widely acclaimed book Walk in Love. Described as one the most comprehensive guides to the Episcopal faith and the prayer book ever written, the book by Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson Shobe, explains what it means to worship and live out a Christian life as an Episcopalian.