Liturgical Ministries
Opportunities for service during worship
Children and youth assist in worship on Sundays during the 10:30 AM Mass in a variety of ways. We provide age-appropriate training for children and youth interested in these ministries.
Acolytes Children and youth in grades 4 and above, carry the processional cross, light and extinguish candles, carry torches in the procession, and carry the Gospel book for the reading of the Gospel. They also lead the recessional that concludes the service.
Lectors Readers, or lectors, proclaim the word of God by reading the selected passages from the Old and New Testaments during the first part of Mass.
Eucharistic MinistersYouth in middle school and older serve as chalice bearers at Communion.
Children’s Choir
Children in grades K – 5 practice on select Sunday mornings as they learn songs and how to sing together. The Children’s Choir sings during the 10:30AM Mass about five times throughout the year.
Adult Choir
Older children and youth (5th grade and older) are welcome to sing with the adult choir in consultation with the music director Dr. William Wright.
Families find meaningful service together where they greet and welcome people, ring the bell just before the start of the Mass, and assist with the service.
Altar GuildFamilies also enjoy serving on Altar Guild together. The Altar Guild prepares the altar for all services and supports our sacramental life by refilling candles, laundering altar linens, and caring for items used during the Eucharist.
Opportunities to Serve During Worship
If you are interested in becoming involved in a liturgical ministry, get started by emailing Windley Walden.
Email Windley