Church Services at Saint James

Worship throughout the week

Services with this symbol are streamed live. Click here to visit our streaming services page.

Saturday Mass 5:00 PM | Second Saturday
of the month

Usually presented on the second Saturday of the month, these masses offer something new and surprising to inspire and challenge you in your faith journey. A broad array of live music features favorite artists from the past, contemporary artists and contemplative themes while being integrated into traditional Episcopal liturgy.

Click here to check our events calendar for times each month.

Sunday Mass 8:30 AM

This early service is smaller, quieter and more traditional. If you are an early riser, this is the ideal service for you. Join us for a few hymns, a shorter sermon and Holy Communion. Children are always welcome!

Sunday Mass 10:30 AM

Our largest service of worship with a full choir and Holy Communion. Both formal and friendly, this is modern worship in all its traditional glory. Children are invited to join Children’s Chapel during this service, and nursery care is available for children up to the age of four.

Children’s full participation is welcome during the entirety of the service. For those families who desire it, we provide chapel as a worship experience for Saint James’ younger parishioners following the general flow of the lessons, as found in the Book of Common Prayer, and following the practices of the Godly Play Foundation® for storytelling and wondering about sacred texts.

Evening Compline via Zoom

Click here to join Compline. (This link can be used for every evening Compline on Zoom.)

The short service of Compline is based on the closing time of prayer in the Daily Office, or monastic cycle of prayer. It is observed in monasteries around 8:00 or 9:00 PM when darkness has fallen and bedtime is near.

First Friday Compline: Ancient Prayers for the Modern Soul, 9 - 9:30 PM

Held on First Friday during a city-wide celebration of the arts, this short meditative service is sung by candlelight
in the beautifully lit sanctuary and is the perfect way to end this Friday night.

The thoughts that inspire the prayers during Compline are the need for divine forgiveness and protection against the powers of darkness. Prayers for peace and rest are offered as night falls. People of all faiths and beliefs are invited to this contemplative service. The service lasts about 20 minutes.

Daily Prayer in the Chapel

Now offered in person and via Zoom.

Sunday Evening Prayer | 7:00 PM; Click here to join via Zoom. (Passcode=SunEP)
Monday Morning Prayer | 8:30 AM; Click here to join via Zoom.
Wednesday Evening Prayer | 5:30 PM; Click here to join via Zoom. (Passcode=WedEP)
Friday Morning Prayer | 8:30 AM; Click here to join via Zoom.

Contemplative Prayer Meditation in the Chapel

These meditative services include Christian meditation, centering prayer, a daily reading of
John Main and a simple chant from the Taize model.

Click here to join any 8:00 AM morning meditation.

Mondays, 7:15 PM: In-person only
Tuesdays | 8:00 AM: In person and via Zoom
Wednesdays | 8:00 AM: In person and via Zoom
Thursdays | 8:00 AM: In person and via Zoom
Fridays | 6:45 AM: In person and Via Zoom

Thursday Holy Eucharist with Healing Prayers, 12:05 PM

This intimate, shorter midday service is held in the quietness of our chapel and combines the service of holy communion with an opportunity to also offer prayer for healing. This is the perfect refuge during a lunch break and a way to reconnect with God during a busy week.

Community-based Services

We offer a variety of community-based services in the homes of our young families and in the retirement communities of many of our senior citizens. Willow Valley Services on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 3 PM in The Glen and Moravian Manor services are 1st Thursday of March, June, September, December at 10:30 AM.

Contemplative Mass, Sunday evenings at 5 PM

Our contemplative mass meets in the Saint James Chapel and is a quiet, reflective service that draws from the great spiritual wisdom of Jesus in the gospels. Explore with us holy teaching and sacred music of other faith traditions, too. Come as you are, adopt the posture that’s most comfortable (yoga mats are welcome; chairs are available) and allow yourself to enter into a very different experience of God and Holy Communion.