Safe Church
Diocesan policies for a safe community
Safe Church Training Opportunities
In addition to the online option outlined below, the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania will offer Zoom sessions from time to time.
The training sessions are facilitated by Diocesan Staff Member, Canon Micalagh Moritz, Canon for Children, Youth & Families/Safe Church Administrator. If you have questions regarding the training, please click here to email Micalagh.
For more information on upcoming Zoom and/or in person training sessions, click here.
Please note: The requirement for recertification has recently been changed from every 5 years to every 3 years, based on the requirement from The Episcopal Church Safe Church Office. This is true for everyone, regardless of position.
Click the title of each topic below to read more.
The Diocese of Central PA requires all who are employed by the congregation, all who serve on vestry, all who work in children and youth ministry, all who volunteer with children and youth, and those who have keys to any of the church grounds to take this training from a diocesan-certified trainer. Diocesan certificates will be issued upon completion of the course. In addition, every Episcopal congregation is required to adopt Safe Church model policies.
The requirement for recertification has recently been changed from every 5 years to every 3 years, based on the requirement from The Episcopal Church Safe Church Office. This is true for everyone, regardless of position.
For more information about Safe Church from the diocesan website, click here.
Safe Church training is required for:
- All clergy whether stipendiary, non-stipendiary, or otherwise who are engaged in ministry or service to the church.
- All paid personnel, whether employed in areas of children and youth ministry or other kinds of services by the diocese, its congregations, schools or other agencies.
- Those who contract their services to the diocese, its congregations, schools or other agencies
- Volunteers, including any person who enters into or offers himself or herself for a church related service to and with children and youth (18 and under) or who actually assists with or performs a service with the children and/or youth of the congregation or is part of any function that is under the auspices the Diocese of Central PA and/or each congregation, whether or not they have been selected or assigned to do so
- All church school teachers
- All persons who supervise or assist with supervising children or youth in ministries, programs or activities infrequently, generally no more than three times a year or for one program or activity during a year that lasts less than a month (e.g., assisting with preparation for the Christmas pageant, or teaching one “unit” of Church School for a month)
- All persons who provide transportation to children or youth (transportation with parent permission still requires Safe Church training)
- All persons who work or assist in the nursery, whether on an emergency basis or otherwise
- All vestry members or other members of similar decision-making groups who have the authority to approve the creation of ministries, programs or activities for children or youth. (They are invited to take the one hour training session)
- Anyone who has a key to the church grounds and buildings.
If this is your first time needing Safe Church training OR if you need to renew your safe church certification, follow these instructions:
- Click here to go to the Praesidium Academy login page.
- You should see the following on your screen:
- If you are already enrolled, click the Sign In link (by the red arrow) to log in.
- If this is your first time enrolling, enter the following redemption code to access the school:
reg-episcenpenn-717-stjameslancaster - Note that this redemption code needs to be used only once so that your profile is identified with Saint James in Lancaster.
- Create your Password, confirm your password and please remember to record it somewhere so you can access it later!
- Click on "Validate" and you should be all set to access the training.
If you have questions, click here to email Micalagh Moritz at the Diocesan office.
The following state requirements are also needed and must be updated once every 5 years.
• PA Child Abuse History Clearance
• Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check
• Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal Background Check*
Click here to begin the process
*FBI fingerprint background check is required for all employees. It also is required for volunteers who have not lived continuously in Pennsylvania for the past 10 years. Pre-register by going to IndentGO (
Enter the correct code. Volunteers, enter: 1KG6ZJ.
Employees ages 14 and older, enter: 1KG756.
Schedule an appointment and provide information as needed. Once completed, please provide Saint James with a copy of your report.
After you have completed your clearances, please make at least two copies of each clearance and *mail/bring one copy to the church office. It will be filed confidentially, and the dates of your clearances will be entered into your Realm account where you will be able to view for future reference.
* The Saint James mailing address is at the bottom of this website.
Upcoming Safe Church Training Opportunities
The Safe Church Training (formerly known as Safeguarding God's Children) is scheduled for Sunday October 8, 2023 from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM on Zoom only. Please note that the training will not be in person and will start at 1:00 PM, instead of 12 PM. Please click here to register via Zoom.
The training will be facilitated by Diocesan Staff Member, Canon Micalagh Moritz, Canon for Children, Youth & Families/Safe Church Administrator. If you have questions regarding the training, please click here to email Micalagh.
Who Needs the Training?
- All clergy whether stipendiary, non-stipendiary, or otherwise who are engaged in ministry or service to the church
- All paid personnel, whether employed in areas of children and youth ministry or other kinds of services by the diocese, its congregations, schools or other agencies
- Those who contract their services to the diocese, its congregations, schools or other agencies
- Volunteers, including any person who enters into or offers himself or herself for a church related service to and with children and youth (18 and under) or who actually assists with or performs a service with the children and/or youth of the congregation or is part of any function that is under the auspices the Diocese of Central PA and/or each congregation, whether or not they have been selected or assigned to do so
- All church school teachers
- All persons who supervise or assist with supervising children or youth in ministries, programs or activities infrequently, generally no more than three times a year or for one program or activity during a year that lasts less than a month (i.e. assisting with preparation for the Christmas pageant, or teaching one “unit” of Church School for a month)
- All persons who provide transportation to children or youth (transportation with parent permission still requires Safe Church training)
- All persons who work or assist in the nursery, whether on an emergency basis or otherwise
- All vestry members or other members of similar decision-making groups who have the authority to approve the creation of ministries, programs or activities for children or youth. (They are invited to take the one hour training session)
- Anyone who has a key to the church grounds and buildings.
State Requirements
The following state requirements are also needed and must be updated once every 5 years.
• PA Child Abuse History Clearance
• Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check
• Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal Background Check*
Click here to begin the process
*FBI fingerprint background check is required for all employees. It also is required for volunteers who have not lived continuously in Pennsylvania for the past 10 years. Pre-register by going to IndentGO (
Enter the correct code. Volunteers, enter: 1KG6ZJ.
Employees ages 14 and older, enter: 1KG756.
Schedule an appointment and provide information as needed. Provide Saint James with your report.
After you have completed your clearances
After you have completed your clearances, please make at least two copies of each clearance and *mail/bring one copy to the church office. It will be filed confidentially, and the dates of your clearances will be entered into your Realm account where you will be able to view for future reference.
* The Saint James mailing address is at the bottom of this website.