Memorial Flowers at Saint James
Request and Donation
Memorial Flower Policy and Practice Effective January 28, 2024
At Saint James we value the remembrance of all the departed through prayer within the communion of saints. One of the ways we connect our inward prayers with outward signs of affection and beauty is made possible through memorial gifts toward the cost of altar flowers each week, or for other seasonal arrangements.
While some weddings and funerals have personalized orders, our Sunday flowers are standardized for simplicity and consistency. Altar flowers remain on the altar until they are replaced with the following week's arrangement. This practice allows us to minimize waste and appreciate the adornment during other weekly services and events, so we ask that they not be taken.
We make every effort to honor a specific date, so there are often multiple names listed on a Sunday as a way of remembering in prayer all those whose anniversaries fall in the week nearest to a given Sunday. Some Sundays (Easter, Christmas and All Saints) are occasions when we remember all those saints who are departed. In those cases, anniversaries are specified on the preceding or following Sunday. It is important to note that memorial flowers are not displayed during the seasons of Lent and Advent but other arrangements and decorations are used which have similar costs and thus contributions in these seasons are received and prayers offered in the same way each Sunday.
We value your memorial contributions to our flower ministry as they not only enhance our worship experience but also support charitable endeavors within our parish community. As such your contribution is part of the wider mission of the church and is considered a tax-deductible donation to the mission and ministry of Saint James. It is not a direct purchase of a particular flower arrangement.
Click here to contact the church office if you have questions about Memorial Flowers or are unable to submit your request and payment online. You can also reach the office by phone at 717-397-4858.