Youth Confirmation Classes

Expressing our commitment to Christ

Saint James offers youth confirmation preparation classes throughout the school year that weave together the basics of our faith: scripture, sacraments, prayer and mission. The program’s format uses the e-learning module Called to Mercy.

Stay tuned for dates and times of upcoming confirmation classes.

Confirmation in the Episcopal Church

Confirmation is the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop (BCP, p. 860).

The Episcopal Church’s theology of Confirmation has continued to evolve along with its understanding of baptism. Confirmation is no longer seen as the completion of Christian initiation, nor is Confirmation a prerequisite for receiving communion. Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s body the church (BCP, p. 298). Accordingly, Confirmation has been increasingly understood in terms of a mature, public reaffirmation of the Christian faith and the baptismal promises. (Source)

Confirmation in the Episcopal Church

Need more information about
our confirmation classes?
Email Mother Shayna Watson, Associate Rector.

Email Mother Shayna

Sunday March 21, 2021
11:30 AM – 2:30 PM, at Saint James (location at Saint James TBD) Covid protocols will be in place

Schedule: 11:30 AM: Gathering with lunch 

Called to Mercy
Modules 1-4
Modules 5-8
Modules 9-10

2:30 PM We Go Forth/Wrap Up

What to Expect
This three-hour retreat will prepare attendees for both baptism (if needed) and confirmation. Lunch will be provided after which the Called to Mercy modules will be viewed together. There will be a time for reflection, questions and prayer after each segment of the series.

At the end of the session, each person will receive a certificate of completion for the “Called to Mercy” confirmation class. Those wishing to be baptized (a pre-requisite for confirmation), will be given a baptism request form and the outline for the baptismal rite.

All persons interested in being baptized into the life of faith at Saint James are invited to schedule a time for the baptismal rite. Current potential dates are

  • Sunday April 18, 11:30 AM
  • Sunday May 2, 11:30 AM

Confirmation will be on May 16th. Please email Mother Shayna with questions.