CWS Awareness Welcoming

Understanding the journey to Lancaster

Monday, September 30 | 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Parish house forum room

Join us for a refresher (if you attended the first session) of information about categories of displaced peoples and how our system treats them, the current state of federal/PA issues around this topic, PLUS what we as Christians can best do in terms of advocacy for our neighbors in need.

Lancaster city plays a huge role in welcoming refugees to the US, and many of us want to help but are unaware of the diverse paths and unique hardships our new neighbors face in coming here. In this awareness and welcoming session, attendees will learn the basics of immigration categories and pathways, and will gain an understanding of the way that legal distinctions create vastly different realities for those seeking safety here in Lancaster.

Attendees will also learn to separate fact from myth on the most pressing topics and gain the ability to speak confidently about issues that shape our community.

Registration kindly requested for planning purposes. Click here to register.