Infant & Child Baptism

Preparing for our new life in Christ

For Infants and Children

Saint James celebrates baptisms four times a year:
~ January, on the day of the Baptism of Jesus
~ Divine mercy Sunday, the Sunday after Easter
~ Pentecost
~ All Saints Day in November

Children and Communion

All baptized persons are welcome to receive communion in the Episcopal Church. We welcome children to receive communion from the time they are baptized. Here are some frequently asked questions about children and Communion.

The sacrament of Christ’s Body and Blood propels us into the world as people being changed by and for God every day. The most important thing we can do for our children (and ourselves!) is to connect the sacrament we receive in Church to the living we do at home, school, work and play.

The Book of Common Prayer teaches that Holy Baptism is the only requirement for full membership in the Church. One of the chief expressions of “full membership” is partaking of Holy Communion. The short answer is “any baptized person is welcome to receive communion in the Episcopal Church.” That includes children and even infants. Saint James welcomes young children to receive Holy Communion. It may help to think of receiving Communion this way: As we gather at the communion rail to be fed with the spiritual food of Christ, we are, in a very real sense, gathering for a family meal. Would you serve a meal where everyone was fed except the children? In this way, a child who receives the sacrament is being treated as a member of the family of God--being nourished in much the same way that we feed our families at home.

All baptized persons are welcome to receive communion in the Episcopal Church.

The sacrament of Christ’s Body and Blood propels us into the world as people being changed by and for God every day. The most important thing we can do for our children (and ourselves!) is to connect the sacrament we receive in Church to the living we do at home, school, work and play.

For more information, please contact click here to email the church office.

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