1783 - 1783 – Joseph Hutchins is appointed rector.


Saint James Episcopal Church
119 North Duke Street
Lancaster, PA 17602

The Rev. David W. Peck, Rector 
The Rev. Richard C. Bauer, Associate Rector

Archive Posts

Weekend Services

Saturday Night Mass 5 PM
Sunday Mass 8:30 AM
Sunday Mass 10:30 AM
Sunday Contemplative Service 5 PM

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Audrey Scanlan, Bishop
Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

Joseph Hutchins is appointed rector.

The boards from the windows of Saint James were removed, and the church reopened for worship. William Atlee, a vestryman and a judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, was selected to be warden, and the congregation chose Jasper Yeates for their warden. These men had held the same positions prior to Independence. The vestry then elected John Miller, as sexton at a yearly salary of £5. He was also allowed to charge fees for digging the graves of deceased parishioners.


Saint James Episcopal Church
119 North Duke Street
Lancaster, PA 17602

The Rev. David W. Peck, Rector
The Rev. Glenn Miller, Priest Associate

Weekend Services

Sunday Mass 8:30 AM
Sunday Mass 10:30 AM

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Audrey Scanlan, Bishop
Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania


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