1800 - 1800 – Washington Dies


Saint James Episcopal Church
119 North Duke Street
Lancaster, PA 17602

The Rev. David W. Peck, Rector 
The Rev. Richard C. Bauer, Associate Rector

Archive Posts

Weekend Services

Saturday Night Mass 5 PM
Sunday Mass 8:30 AM
Sunday Mass 10:30 AM
Sunday Contemplative Service 5 PM

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Audrey Scanlan, Bishop
Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

Saint James holds a memorial service for George Washington

On December 14, 1799, George Washington—General, President and an Episcopalian died. The Pennsylvania Legislature, then meeting in Lancaster, the capital of the state, designated January 7 as a “day of mourning and respect for the memory of the illustrious Washington.

Under the orders of Major General Edward Hand, Washington’s comrade in arms and vestryman of Saint James, there was a military procession, joined by politicians, clergymen and Masons as well as other citizens, from the court house to Saint James. The Rev. Joseph Clarkson gave the sermon and the empty coffin, which had been carried in the procession, was left in the church as a sign of respect for Washington.


Saint James Episcopal Church
119 North Duke Street
Lancaster, PA 17602

The Rev. David W. Peck, Rector
The Rev. Shayna Watson, Associate Rector
The Rev. Glenn Miller, Priest Associate

Weekend Services

Sunday Mass 8:30 AM
Sunday Mass 10:30 AM

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Audrey Scanlan, Bishop
Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania


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