1869 - 1869 – Saint James builds a chapel in south east Lancaster

Saint James builds a chapel in south east Lancaster

The Rev. Jacob Isidor Mombert decided to build a mission chapel in a section of the city viewed as lacking religious services. This plan was inspired by Hannah Benjamin’s mission Sunday school which had lacked a permanent home.

The mission chapel on the corner of Locust Street and Stony Alley was funded by individual subscribers and completed by January 1869. It was thereafter known as Saint James Chapel. In addition to a Sunday evening service, there was a Sunday school and a sewing school.

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Saint James Episcopal Church
119 North Duke Street
Lancaster, PA 17602

The Rev. David W. Peck, Rector
The Rev. Stacey Carpenter, Associate Rector
The Rev. Glenn Miller, Priest Associate

Weekend Services

Sunday Mass 8:30 AM
Sunday Mass 10:30 AM

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Audrey Scanlan, Bishop
Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

The Urban Well
The Diocesan Well


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